
Halo Wars will not be your traditional RTS

After getting some quick hands on time with Halo Wars, CVG informs us that Ensemble Studios' latest RTS child is delivering on their promises and will be bringing something new to the console RTS market.

According to CVG, Halo Wars strays from the traditional console RTS controls as seen in Battle for Middle Earth and C&C, instead using a much more simplistic "paint" selection control scheme. Definitely a good thing. Ensemble is even going out of their way to redefine the RTS formula and instead of focusing the gameplay on resource management, you'll have to focus on time management and unit management. Just like in the Halo universe, decisions will have to be made strategically as you'll have to decide when to shoot and when to take cover. Simply stated, Ensemble knows they and Halo Wars are under the magnifying glass and are making it their number one priority to deliver a solid RTS experience. Our fingers are crossed.

[Via HBO]