
Gameloft brings cell phone gaming to WiiWare

Gameloft Japan has announced a new WiiWare game, a Breakout/Arkanoid-style game called Block Breaker Deluxe, to be released in Japan in April, with U.S. and European releases to follow. It looks perfectly adequate for an $8 WiiWare game -- we like Breakout, and this one has powerups and stuff -- but two aspects of this game serve as sticking points.

First, Block Breaker Deluxe is a remake of a cell phone game. Is Gameloft really setting this precedent one day after the launch of the service? This is, frankly, alarming. Second, for whatever reason, Gameloft decided that eye candy, in the form of some "sexy" female mascots, would be a good idea for the Arkanoid knockoff. This only has the effect of making us feel uncomfortable about buying it.