
MS legal is okay with UT3 Master Chief mod

The legal implications of creating a Master Chief or Marcus Fenix Unreal Tournament 3 character mod (like the ones we posted about the other day) never crossed our minds, but it did cross the Gamerscore Blog's mind and they went all the way to Microsoft's legal team to get answers. But don't worry, nobody is in trouble ... yet.

Filed under knowledge that we never knew but are now glad we do, according to Microsoft's legal team, their Microsoft Game Studios published characters and likenesses can be used for non-profit use as part of their Game Content Usage Rules that were first implemented for machinima. This allows fans to create mods like the UT3 Master Chief legally and also puts us under the impression that Microsoft's legal team isn't as ... "evil" as we all think they are. Mad props to Microsoft for being so cool, mad props to Master Chief for being so bad ass and mad props to attorneys. Without them, where would we be?