
The Daily Grind: Is the WAR delay good or bad?

Now that the gnashing of teeth has somewhat abated, there's been some talk about whether or not delaying Warhammer Online to the "fall" was a wise idea or not. A lot of people we've heard from think this is going to prove to be a really big problem for EA Mythic, as delaying that long will put them in the range of releasing sometime near Blizzard's upcoming WoW expansion, Wrath of the Lich King. Others have said that this may cause people who are jonesing for some good fantasy PvP right now even more reason to check out Age of Conan when they may have originally intended to just hold out for WAR -- which could lose them subscriptions. Then there are the folks who say that the delay is wise, well needed, and forward-thinking for them. They say that it gives them time to make WAR the absolutely most amazing game ever. (We can only assume someone at EA is having a head-explody moment at how long this is taking, though.) But this morning we thought we'd ask you -- do you think the delay is good or bad for WAR?