
Mythos beta journal, part 2

Mythos, the Diablo II-inspired action-adventure MMO from Flagship Studios, nears open beta after months of tantalizing peeks and glimpses into the closed beta. Flagship Studios, founded by members of the original Diablo II development team, released their first game last fall, the Armageddon-themed Hellgate: London. Mythos returns them to their fast-paced fantasy roots, adding a rich game-world, crafting, innovative classes and both solo and group content to the winning Diablo II formula.

Raisu writes in the second part of his Mythos Beta Journal about getting started in Mythos and the difference between the difficulty levels in the game. That's an astounding thing in itself, an MMO where you can choose the difficulty at which you play. Normal is normal; most dungeons will be a moderate challenge to you. Elite means they will be fairly tough, and you won't get as much cash for your treasure from merchants. Hardcore means you get just one life -- once you die, you're gone. Finally, Shadowlands-Only means you inhabit that strange mirror realm where you may fight other people -- and unlike visitors from the Light realms, you can never leave. If you love your Massively Multiplayer games fast, casual, with piles of loot, high individuality among characters, and free, you're likely looking forward to Mythos as much as we.