
MTV 'dates' upcoming PSN games

MTV's Stephen Totilo has recently had his hands on with all the big first-party PSN games that will be hitting within the next few months. His thoughts on each title are generally very positive, which is great now that we know that they're all coming out between now and June. Totilo lists each of the games (Echochome, Elefunk, PixelJunk Monsters: Encore and WipEout HD) along with a vague release date.

While May will be the busiest month of the quarter, April will kick things off with (as well as a Store redesign) PixelJunk Monsters: Encore, an expansion pack for the well received tower defense game, which is pegged for the latter part of the month. Echochrome and Elefunk will keep May interesting until WipEout HD finally gets a release in "late May, or early June".

Interestingly, it seems that Echochrome will receive two releases - one for PS3 and one for PSP. Each will be entirely different to the other in terms of level layout, but both will be available for download from the PSN Store. True Echochrome fans will no doubt want to grab both versions for the full experience. Needless to say, these dates are all US based. There's no telling when Europe will be seeing any of these games ...