
Ask X3F: Too many questions edition

Wow. We asked for questions and you delivered. We are now supersaturated with questions, unable to absorb them all effectively. In other words, there is no way we could get to all the questions we've received. We're not complaining. In fact, that's the way we like it. This week we take a look at 360 media sharing, the search for the perfect HDTV, 360 repairs, and Guitar Hero effects pedals that never came to be. Oh yeah, and we also talk true love, ninjas, and celebrate the return of plush Weighted Companion Cubes. O fanboys that have come seeking knowledge, ye shall find it after the break.

Got a question for Ask X3F? Maybe you have a story or some information you'd like to share? Send it all to ask [at] xbox360fanboy [dot] com.

Dear Fanboys! First off I love your site. I check it multiple times a day as quick relief from work and a reminder to how much I love gaming.

And I have a question for you.

I recently turned on my Xbox only to realize the dreaded red ring of death, for the second time. I am currently waiting on my "courtesy" shippping box from Microsoft. What I wanted to know was if you had heard anything about Microsoft sending out Live Points or expedited shipping for people that have dealt with multiple RROD situations? I am seriously annoyed because not only did I miss double XP SWAT this weekend but today is definitely the 3rd of the "be there in 2 or 3 days" statement from the rep for the package.

I love my xbox and tell everyone that doesn't they have to buy one but I am super pissed about again getting this problem and having to wait around for shipping packaging again. Adding to the annoyance is the fact my wife deployed for 7 months to the Middle East yesterday and I have no gaming outlet until I get it back. In a weaker moment I even considered buying a new one for a week and trying to return it later when my unit gets back. One lesser annoyance was that I paid for the additional Halo 3 maps about 2 months ago and read this weekend how today they were becoming availible for free from Bunige.

Anyway, thanks again Fanboys, keep up the good work!

gamertag: CGJohnson79

Chris, sadly we haven't heard of MS giving out anything other than complimentary one month Live subscriptions. Still, we felt your letter was worth sharing and, at the very least, we're sure you can find some people with which to commiserate on the comment thread.

When the 360 Elite was released it was supposed to be Limited Edition, right? Did Microsoft change their mind or did they still not sell out of them?

It was initially rumored that the Elite would be a limited edition console, yes, but upon Microsoft's official confirmation it was revealed as the SKU it remains today.

I always assumed you got too many questions so mine would never be answered! Here goes!

How do I play movies and music stored on my computer through my xbox360? Not even the weird formats! Just the wmv files and mp3s? I want to watch my porno movies on the big screen! I've tried to look it up online but its too confusing! Need like a 5 step instruction! Thanks!


At the most basic level, all you have to do is open up Windows Media Player 11, turn on media sharing, and tell the program you want to share media with your Xbox 360. As long as your PC and Xbox are on the same network, it should work. For a more detailed explanation, there's a simple guide from Microsoft. Note that you have to have Windows Media Player 11 (which comes with Vista and can be downloaded for XP). If you happen to have a Mac, you should look into Connect360. That's really all there is to it.

What would you consider as the best TV out there for 360 gaming?


A big one. With 1080p and HDMI. If you wouldn't mind, please pick up two and send one to Fanboy Towers (ATTN: Richard M). Seriously though, you'll want an HDTV that can at least handly 720p and one that handles 1080p if you can afford it / have enough room (1080p TVs are pretty big). Personally, I'm fond of Samsung LCDs. I won't get into the LCD vs. plasma argument (feel free to contribute your own opinion in the comments). It shouldn't be hard to find a sizable TV (say, 37" or so) for under $1000. Whatever you decide, make sure you go see the TV in question. Even if you plan to buy online, head to a store and check out the same model. If you're feeling really adventurous, you might even ask a store clerk if you can hook up your Xbox and test it out. Also, make sure to research whatever brand you're considering. Many bargain brands are cheap for a reason.

Good luck and happy hunting!

Hi Guys,

I told you I would follow up when I got some news so here you go... the plushie companion cube and dice are back in the Valve Store.

Totally unrelated but I am happy to report I unlocked the hardest acheivement on the 360 IMO... "A-NI-MAL!" acheivement on Rock Band (complete drum campaign on expert).


You heard him, folks. Go get your (overpriced) Weighted Companion Cube plushies and fuzzies.

Dear X3F,
I am in love with your website. But if you could fall in love and get married to any video game character who would it be?
Thanks, all weirdness aside
Obese Stickman

The Queen of all Cosmos, hands down.


I've got a query regarding fixing broken xbox 360's from the evil rings of death.

We've a console in our house that no longer has a valid warranty. Someone decided to open the box up to have a look (can't trust these electrical engineer students J ) and obviously this breaks the warranty sticker. Now, speaking with the Indian Microsoft office (I presume it was the Indian office as well, they all spoke rubbish enrgrish) they told me I could not get the console repaired regardless if I offered to pay for full repairs. As far as I'm aware, you can't get the console fixed by a 3rd party person (as it's the Motherboard that's broken) and if MS are saying they won't fix it, where can you turn?

I can appreciate MS won't repair for free as the warranty is no longer valid but surely it would make sense to fix the console so I could buy more games?

Any clues?


Graeme, the sad truth is that Microsoft will not touch a 360 that has been opened. The only options at this point are do-it-yourself repairs or paying someone else to do them for you. Both come with plenty of risks. Feel free to google them at your own peril. Apart from those options, you can always buy a new one.

Hey X3FB,
I still want to know if Bungie/Microsoft found out who leaked a copy of Halo 2 onto the internet a few years back. Do you think they found them and just had the Bungie Ninjas take care of them?


The true mark of a ninja is to kill silently and without a trace. Thus, if Microsoft enlisted the aid of the Bungie Ninjas -- or if they instead opted to use their own (highly paid) corporate ninjas -- we would never know. Assuming the ninjas involved were worth their salt, the leaker is long dead and "presumed missing." If, on the other hand, the leaker has not been identified and the ninjas are still waiting in the shadows to strike, we would like to emphasize that we certainly had absolutely nothing to do with it. At all. Ever. For all time.

Since you asked for questions I figured I'd oblige.

Have you guys thought about organizing community Halo 3 nights? If you already do this then by all means flame away, but please let me know how to join in on the fun.

A lot of the custom games you've been posting under community content (especially the zombie based ones) look like fun but it's tough to get a game going most of the time. I see bungie talking about Griffball which look like a blast, but I have no idea how to get one of these games going.



In fact we have considered just such a thing. At the very least, we've considered putting together a bi-weekly session of playing the latest entries in our Community Content feature. The idea would be to play the next two upcoming maps and gametypes. Footage gathered during these sessions could then be used in our Community Content videos. In other words, you could all play with us and be featured in a video, thus launching you to mega-stardom. If this is something that sounds like fun, please leave some feedback in the comments and we'll see if we can't start organizing.

Concerning the difficulty of getting people together for custom games, yeah, it's a pain. The best you can do is start up a lobby and spam your friends list.

If I remember right the Explorer Controller for GH2 has a port in it that was supposedly able to support some sort of pedal or some other add on for the guitar and game. Did Harmonix ever release the add on for the controller? If not, what ever happened to that project?

The guitar manual that comes with the X-plorer controller notes that the port is for effects pedals and that effects pedals are sold separately. As we've seen a full-blown sequel to the game emerge (as well as announcements for many, many more sequels), it looks like the effects pedal idea never came to pass. It's hard to say what happened exactly, though Harmonix being acquired by MTV may have had something to do with it. It's a shame too, as an effects pedal could conceivably add a new dimension to the franchise. Imagine certain sections of a song requiring certain effects, etc. Could be fun.

Hey X3F I have a two part question for you. First off is there any way to test the speed of my connection for my 360? I know it shows you in game for Halo 3 and COD4 but is there anything that is a little more exact? The reason I ask is because I have Logitech Play Link wireless bridge and I also have a crossover cable to bridge my connection and I want to know which will give me a better connection.

GT: Gob 8luth

This question surpasses our limited technical knowledge, so we're turning it over to the community for an exact answer. Still, that doesn't prevent us from offering practical advise. First of all, any sort of direct connection should exceed a wireless connection. If by "bridge my connection" you mean sticking your 360 directly into a router, we say go with that. Alternately, there's nothing to keep you from experimenting with both options. Try them both out and see if you notice any substantial differences. Don't forget, there are also helpful router settings that can speed things up (such as assigning a static IP to your 360 and letting it live in the DMZ).

That's it for this week, folks. Keep sending your questions to: ask [at] xbox360fanboy [dawt] com.