
GTA IV cleared by BBFC, 'no cuts made'

gta iv

The BBFC has launched its Grand Theft Auto IV rating page, clearing the game for release with an 18-rating for strong violence, very strong language, sex and drug references. "This work was passed with no cuts made," reads a bold-red statement on the page. The review board based its classification on nearly five and a half hours of gameplay footage and just about eight minutes of cut scenes.

Additionally, the BBFC published an expanded review of the game, which was later removed, but not before Eurogamer captured the details of GTA IV's most naughty bits. Prostitutes return with a few upgrades, now offering "three different levels of service" all happily ending with la petite mort -- or your money back. Players can also keep it legal (and in their pants) by visiting lap dance clubs. "While the game contains sexualised dancing and the portrayal of sex, there is no sexualised nudity," concludes the BBFC in true British syntax.

With the sex toned down, the ratings board declared 'violence' to be the game's "central theme" ('gritty immigrant drama' was just the runner-up, apparently). The review confirmed the inclusion of [SPOILER ALERT!] weapons, like machine guns, Molotov cocktails, a serrated knife and a rocket propelled grenade launcher -- oh, and a "stand up comedy routine" (not a weapon, or necessarily violent -- just foul-mouthed). "Injuries and death are shown with blood including blood projected onto nearby walls, windscreens and the camera lens. The character is able to attack and kill any other character in the game, including 'innocent' non player characters, although this carries a strong risk of being pursued by the police providing a negative consequence for such action." Negative? Have we been playing GTA wrong all along?

Update: The BBFC will repost its expanded review on April 19, according to Eurogamer. "We have a policy of not putting up the Extended Classification Information for a work more than 10 days before the work is released. Once we realised that GTA IV was due for publication on 29 April we took the ECI down," explained the BBFC.