
Happy April Fools' from Xbox Live

Oh, April Fools' Day. It is a day that will forever be riddled with falsities and lies. This is particularly true of the video game industry. Given how much fans obsess over every single news-byte and rumor -- we hear there are even entire websites devoted to it -- it's hard to blame all the publishers and developers for wanting to pull one over on their ardent followers. It's all in good fun after all. Enter the latest additions to the Xbox 360 Family: the Wireless Helmet, Xbox Live the Board Game, the Xbox 360 Recon Edition, and the Xbox 360 Vintage Edition. They are -- to save you the trouble -- fake. Of course, they are so obviously fake that it's really not a great April Fools' Day prank (unless you have particularly dense friends, in which case more power to you). Still, it's funny. So, check out the Inside Xbox video (embedded above) and don't forget to pre-order.

[Thanks to the many, many people that sent this in!]