
Warhawk patch v1.3 coming tomorrow

If you're subscribed to Sony's Twitter feed you may have received a gentle "reminder" today sent directly to your mobile (sorry, cell phone) telling you that Warhawk's v1.3 patch will be arriving tomorrow. Reminder? This is the first we've heard of it. All we knew was that it would be arriving in "early April." We've had a look at a calendar today and that's now.

Warhawk servers will be experiencing downtime between 10am and 4pm GMT (6am and 12pm EST) after which the patch will be made available to download. Why should you be interested? Don't tell us you've forgotten all the cool stuff v1.3 adds. Along with the two new melee weapons, there will be more vehicle paintjobs and insignias. Not to mention the bizarrely early Home launching feature. Bizarrely early? Or is it?