
PS3 Poll Police: Metal Gear Solid boxart conundrum!

The Poll Police, for the record, have no say in what Konami and Kojima Productions ultimately place on their boxes for the release of Metal Gear Solid 4. However, we can poll the heck outta the intertubes to find out what you, the readers and potential buyers, think of the released boxart image. Go back and look at the old Metal Gear Solid boxes. They all have very cool sketches on them -- original drawings of characters, or whatever. They were, pun intended, solid. So we ask you: would you rather that trend continue, or are you glad to see a more "real" picture on the box of Metal Gear Solid 4?

Which Metal Gear Solid 4 boxart design do you prefer?

I like the old versions with the sketches and such.

I like the new, realistic one better.

I like cardboard boxes. You can hide in them.

Box? Art? I am confuzzled by your query. free polls

Whatever your choice may be, you have to remember that it isn't what's on the outside of the case that matters, but what is inside. The game. Even if you turn away in disgust at the sight of the boxart on store shelves, you'll take it home with you and love it because you know behind that art is a treasure trove of Kojima genius. Speaking of genius, how was last week's poll? Take the jump to find out.

It's official -- Blu-ray is the overwhelming victor when it comes to purchasing your copy of Gran Turismo 5: Prologue. Not only do you get bragging rights by waving the physical case/disc in your friends' faces, but you can take the game to someone else's house and play it without them having to sign onto your ID and download the game themselves. It's the overall better choice and one of the reasons we still need to give digital distribution a few years. We just like having stuff in our hands. Or else we'd all dream about playing video games and that'd be good enough. That doesn't even make sense. Oh well. Thanks for voting!