
Halo 3 WTF moment montage [Update]

Update: Although the original video we added was great, this is the video you were supposed to see. The original was a music video that was created using Halo 3 moments. Apology for the error. The music video we had listed before can be found after the jump for arguments sake.

Have you ever had a moment while playing Halo 3 that made you stare into space, puzzled as to what just transpired? Thankfully YouTube user xXSCREWSTONEXx was around to piece together some of the funniest and strangest "what the..." moments in Halo 3. Some of these moments pulled from the single to multiplayer modes of Halo 3 are hilariously gut-busting while others might make you excruciatingly angry (defusing Plasmas FTL).

Check out the video and laugh that even one of the best games available in this generation could have a hiccup every once in a while.