
The Daily Grind: Are classes played out?

Our recent post about Fallen Earth makes mention of the fact that in the game, there will be no traditional class structures -- players can allocate points wherever they like. They're not locked into a setup where they only have access to a particular pool. And that got us thinking: is it time for the class system to move on?

Think about it. Even the real life military, with all its roles, functions, and chains of command, appreciates a soldier with a diverse skillset. And really, does it make sense that just because you're, say, a Hunter, that it's impossible for you to carry a shield? Having an open system means that one could truly customize their character, and not feel like just one more in the herd. But maybe having definable classes is the best way to determine a player's function during a raid? What are the good reasons to keep offering the class structure?