
Blockbuster further expands Blu-ray selection across US & Canada

It shouldn't come as a surprise that Blockbuster is further expanding its supporting for Blu-ray. They've been backing the boys in blu for a long time now. Last year they integrated Blu-ray into 1,700 shops; this time, they're taking the HD format into 5,000 stores across the United States and Canada. Blockbuster is touting "the company is positioning itself to become the customer's Blu-ray headquarters."

To further showcase the company's Blu-ray backing, Blu-ray kiosks (with movies playing off PS3s) will be on display in stores. Blockbuster's by-mail service will also undergo a change reflecting the increased support for Blu-ray -- customers can now set their accounts to automatically choose Blu-ray format for rentals. Sounds good, but Netflix already got that last one done.

[Via press release]