
Collecting your booty just got easier

Turning in badges for deeds of gallantry on the high seas was a confusing ordeal for some players in Pirates of the Burning Sea. The assortment of badges required players travel to the turn in area, accept a quest, and then complete the quest in order to receive their reward. The confusion and chaos that ensued from figuring out what to turn in, where, and what reward you could receive was causing more than a few people to catch a case cabin fever. Luckily, the latest PotBS patch had some new content to sink the frustration once and for all.

Flying Lab decided to change some things and make what was deemed a "shopping experience that was certainly less than ideal" slightly easier on the community to understand. Technical content designer Anna Murchison explains to aspiring buccaneers that the new exchange shop reflects a blend of the auction house and shop interfaces players are used to interacting with. When players enter an exchange shop and speak with one of the shop attendants, a new list will appear on the interface. Displayed on the left hand side of the list is what you need to receive an item. On the right hand side of the list is what you receive for the exchange. Pull down lists, filters, and the removal of the mission turn in system should make life easier for experienced naval commanders and fledgling fish mongers alike.