
More information on Book 13's Forochel region

The Lord of the Rings Online development team has revealed more information about the new region for Book 13: Doom of the Last-King -- Forochel. This new, expansive land will feature their latest effort at a snowbound landscape. One of the ways in which Forochel will be different will be in its new 'cosmetic temperature system', in which you'll be able to see your character's breath the farther into the cold you travel. While this may seem trivial, you'd be surprised what a tiny effect like that can do to help immersion.

Of course, the changes aren't all cosmetic. Spending too much time in the Ice Bay will have a deleterious effect on your morale. Life-saving warmth can be had at towns, by spending time over geothermal vents, and by creating campfires. And annoyingly, the announcement mentions that they've learned some lessons concerning monster moods, spawns, and patrols, but stop short of actually saying what those lessons are.

For those of you who've been anticipating this new Book, go check out the full release, and judge for yourselves if it's going to be worth the wait.