
Tom Clancy's EndWar: the evolution of helicopters

Personal vendettas against Tom Clancy aside, his foray into the gaming world has done quite a bit of great things. The latest adventure in the growing monopolistic library of Tom Fancy games, EndWar, has a blog over at IGN that recently updated to show off the evolution of their ideas for a gunship over the course of the game's development. It's an interesting read -- one of the reasons why developer blogs are gaining popularity.

Just to pique your interest: the first ship design was scrapped because the chopper was supposed to be futuristic, but the actual ship it was based off of was canceled in 2004. The second was originally a fairly standard, but cool, helicopter. It also failed the futuristic expectations of the EndWar team and designed a new ship that is a mish-mash of different attack choppers. Cool stuff, for those who love them flyin' things.