
The DS Life: Dropping weight

The DS Life is a weekly feature in which we scour the known world for narrative images of Nintendo's handheld and handheld gamers. If you have a photo and a story to match it with, send both to thedslife at dsfanboy dot com.

Planning on getting yourself in shape this year with video games? Though Wii Fit and My Weight Loss Coach look like excellent tools to help you work out, their hefty prices -- $90 for the former, $40 for the latter -- might be too much for your slim budget. Illustrator Cory Godbey has come up with a lo-fi alternative to those expensive software solutions. Join us past the post break to find out how you can lose weight and save money! In just 30 days!*

*not in 30 days

The treadmill is a much bigger "peripheral" than the Wii Fit Balance Board and My Weight Loss Coach pedometer, but if you already have one, why not combine it with your Tetris playtime for an easy exercise? Or take on an Advance Wars: Days of Ruin map while you spend an hour on a stationary bicycle? Anything's better than sitting on your butt all day reading gaming blogs!

[Via GoNintendo]