
A long overdue Tabula Rasa loregasm

As rich as we've always found the Tabula Rasa universe, we've always felt like they've stopped precariously short of fully fleshing out the universe as inhabited by the AFS and those nasty Bane. The reason for this is likely practical; they don't want to write themselves into a corner and have to resort to strange retcons or deus ex machina to be able to shoe-horn in content for the expansions down the road.

Perhaps in an effort to assuage our fears of floating lore-less through life, this week's Feedback Friday explores many of the questions players have had about Tabula Rasa's universe. Many of the items are easily to explain and hammer down, like the AFS chain of command and the reasoning behind the credit system for soldiers in a time of war. More ambiguous are questions about the size and nature of the larger Bane forces and their Neph overlords, which lead us to the logical conclusion that these are avenues that the game will explore further down the road.