
Kojima's ideal MGS4 bites off more than PS3 can chew

We weren't surprised to read in this month's Edge Magazine that Metal Gear Solid series creator, Hideo Kojima, isn't entirely satisfied with his latest creation. Why? That's just the nature of being an artist, especially one as famously exacting as Kojima. Every sequel to the Metal Gear series is another iteration; another re-tuning of an increasingly polished gameplay experience. So, when envisioning the fourth (and final?) chapter in the Metal Gear Solid saga on a brand new and as-yet-untested piece of hardware, Kojima shot for the moon, looking to "create something revolutionary." When confronted with the limitations of the actual PlayStation 3 hardware (it's human after all), Kojima says "we weren't really aware of what the full-spec PS3 offered – we were creating something we couldn't entirely see."

It's less a case of the PlayStation not being up to snuff (or, perhaps, of not living up to Sony's impossible-to-match marketing message) as it is with Kojima not being satisfied with technological limitations. He says, "The original vision was to go ten steps further, the reality was just one step, which isn't to say we didn't progress." We'll all get a chance to experience the technology that powers Metal Gear Solid 4 this Monday, when the Metal Gear Online beta goes live. Something tells us we won't be as dissapointed as Kojima is.

Check out the full ten-page MGS4 cover story in the May issue of Edge.

[Via Kotaku]