
Miyamoto: Zelda team back in action

It's Shigeru Miyamoto speaking, so really we could have pulled any quote from Jeremy Parish's 1UP interview and stuck it in the title, or just said "MIYAMOTO SPEAKS: YOU READ IT NOW," but this is the most directly newsy bit out of the interview, which was ostensibly about Wii Fit. He denied that Nintendo is abandoning its core franchises (and audience) in part by saying "we do have the existing teams at Nintendo working on the kinds of products we've always made over the years. The Zelda team is forming again to work on new games! But to me, it's about finding these new interactive experiences and bringing them to people."

Miyamoto spent much of the interview talking about Nintendo's love of the "hardcore gamer." Interestingly, he sees the upcoming Japanese launch of Link's Crossbow Training as the opposite of the normal Wii strategy -- the first step toward getting Japanese gamers used to first-person shooters.