
Hideo Kojima bashes Metal Gear Solid 4 -- is he being too hard on himself?

It's been circulating the internet for a little while now -- Hideo Kojima's comments regarding Metal Gear Solid 4 and the PS3. It's almost inevitable our take on the situation will be misconstrued as blind fanboy bias, but we'd like to try to take an objective glance at what he said. In a recent interview in Edge magazine, Kojima said that the gameplay of MGS4 is fairly close to his vision, but the graphical side of things got a slight hit from what he envisioned: "things like motion-blending and the size of the map, totally was not accomplished to my original vision - to my satisfaction."

After their initial TGS showing, everyone was excited to see what the PS3 was capable of, but once development really started, Kojima says they could not evolve as much as he wanted. "The original vision was to go ten steps further, the reality was just one step, which isn't to say we didn't progress." The CPU apparently is at fault here, as the Cell is being fully employed, says Kojima.

He doesn't blame the PS3 and rightly so. It's one thing to lay out your plans and envision what you'd like to do, but when it comes to it, you've got to sacrifice some of your dreams and ideals. Was Kojima dreaming too much with his original ideas? Not really -- but what he wanted might have been something we'll need to wait another generation for. We'd like to have a smell-o-vision, but we'll settle for rumble. Is that the PS3's fault? Nah. Kojima should relax -- his game looks fantastic and we're sure all his fans will agree he's made much more progress than he's giving himself credit for.

[via NeoGAF]