
Xbox Live: Scheduled maintenance complete [Update]

Update: Major Nelson updated his initial post letting XBL users know that the tech team is aware of some issues with the rolling restarts. They are looking into the situation. Again, we ask that you be patient and just think about all the dudes you'll be shooting on April 29.

According to Major Nelson, the scheduled maintenance for Xbox Live that left the service offline since early this morning is complete. Before you fashion your trendiest riot clothes and pitchforks we'd like to remind you that while the service maintenance is complete users may experience rolling restarts around the globe. As an example, the service has restarted for our own Dustin Burg but has left this Canadian out in the cold (see what I did there?) with connection issues.

If you are experiencing connection issues we ask that you be patient before flooding our inbox with "ZOMG, they broked Live" news tips. Looking for something to do? May we suggest checking out X3F TV! While our Nielsen ratings aren't anything to write home about, we can at least assure you our gaming related videos are more entertaining than watching anything that Spike TV does with this industry in mind.