
One Shots: Sending Chill Bill to his death

Normally we wouldn't run a screenshot with UI in it, but this one was so much fun that we couldn't resist. The above screenshot comes to us from Clava, a Mage who loves to play NCsoft's Dungeon Runners:

[Here's a screen] I took in Dungeon Runners, of Chill Bill feeling the heat, as we enter Embercore 5. Note the incorrect popup in the bottom right stating Embercore 4; it's actually a mouseover popup from the door to 4 that was just behind me. Embercore Level 5 doesn't actually have that red tint, but when I spawned in level 5 my camera was actually slightly behind the red "door" that I walked through (actually a set of stairs with a red force field in front of it), causing the ominous red glow. I almost feel bad for sending Bill out to those fire-monsters that are just ahead.

Well, if you were looking for a way to kill Chill Bill, that would certainly do it, we'd think. It's great to see a screen of Dungeon Runners either way.

Do you have some interesting screenshots of your adventures? If not, go snag some (without UI if at all possible, please) and send those in to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com! We love lots of different worlds and would love to see them all.