
Tetris Company's Rogers clears lines, the air

Henk Rogers is a rich man these days, after having secured the license for a certain Russian computer game back in the '80s. It was Rogers who licensed Tetris out to Nintendo for use in the Game Boy and NES, and it's Rogers who started The Tetris Company to manage future Tetris licensing.

That money is now going into the Blue Planet Foundation, a nonprofit Rogers has set up to research global warming. The foundation hosted a summit in Rogers' hometown of Honolulu in order to gather experts, in the interest of reducing fossil fuel dependency.

It's just one of Rogers' four "missions," which are about as ambitious as anything can be -- so much so that he doesn't expect them to be fulfilled within his lifetime: eliminating the need for fossil fuel, ending war, and, uh, understanding the universe. The other goal? "We need to make a back-up of life on Earth. We need to take each species on Earth and make a backup and populate other planets." Sounds vaguely crazy, but sensible at the same time!