
GTAIV pre-order deals and offers roundup

Grand Theft Auto IV Tuesday is rapidly approaching and we've been asked time and time again: where should I pre-order or buy my copy of GTAIV? And for a while, we weren't sure seeing that most pre-order offers were scattered all over and details about launch deals were still secret. But thanks to Gaming Bits, we have a pretty good idea at what each major retailer in the U.S. has planned for GTAIV's launch and which ones are offering the best deals. So, without further delay, make your way to the break to view what pre-order deals stores like Best Buy, Circuit City, Gamestop, and Game Crazy have to offer for April 29th's GTAIV release.

Oh, and just in case you wanted the one HOT GTAIV offer for Tuesday, we'd go with Circuit City. According to a leaked Sunday ad, there will be no pre-order necessary and (if you can wait until Tuesday morning) you'll get a free $10 gift card with the purchase of any GTAIV edition. W00t!

[Via Slick Deals]
Pre-order Bonus: Code to download GTAIV gamer pictures.
Exclusive Bonus: GTAIV License Plate (exclusive to GTAIV Special Edition) and free shipping.

Grand Theft Auto IV: Regular Edition (Xbox 360)

Grand Theft Auto IV Special Edition (Xbox 360)

Best Buy

Midnight Launch Details
Pre-order Bonus: GTAIV poster and a code to download GTAIV gamer pictures.
Exclusive Bonus: $50 gift card with Xbox 360 console and GTAIV purchase and free shipping.
Grand Theft Auto IV: Regular Edition (Xbox 360)
Grand Theft Auto IV: Special Edition (Xbox 360)

Pre-order Bonus: Framed GTAIV illustration. Check local Blockbuster store.

Circuit City
Pre-order Bonus: $10 gift card and code to download GTAIV gamer pictures.
Exclusive Bonus: $10 gift card with ANY GTAIV purchase. Free wireless controller and Gamer's Savings Club memberships with Xbox 360 console and GTAIV purchase. (via leaked ad)
Grand Theft Auto IV: Regular Edition (Xbox 360)
Grand Theft Auto IV: Special Edition (Xbox 360)

Game Crazy

Midnight Launch Details

Exclusive Bonus: GTAIV faceplate (only at VIP cities) and code to download GTAIV gamer pictures.
Grand Theft Auto IV: Regular Edition (Xbox 360)
Grand Theft Auto IV: Special Edition (Xbox 360)

Midnight Launch Events
Exclusive Bonus: Free 2 day shipping using code "GTA2D"
Non-Bonus: Special Edition will cost you an additional $9.99 when ordering online.
Grand Theft Auto IV: Regular Edition (Xbox 360)

Grand Theft Auto IV Special Edition (Xbox 360)

Regular edition is $56.99.
Exclusive Bonus: Free 3 day shipping.
Grand Theft Auto IV: Regular Edition (Xbox 360)

Midnight Launch Details
Pre-order Bonus: Large GTAIV t-shirt via and a code to download GTAIV gamer pictures.
Grand Theft Auto IV: Regular Edition (Xbox 360)
Grand Theft Auto IV: Special Edition (Xbox 360)