
Video Marketplace Weekly: toxic life edition

Making its way back to its normal Friday time slot is yet another Video Marketplace Weekly and this week we have a bunch of new movie goodness. That is if you enjoy toxic horror movies or comedic gold, because Toxic Avenger Part II and III as well as Toxic Crusaders: The Movie released to the U.S. Video Marketplace. Also, the Steve Carell comedy Dan in Real Life released which, we'll admit, has to feature one of our favorite movie covers. Probably because we like pancakes and listening to them as if they were a bowl of Rice Krispies. Anyway, make you way to the break to digest this week's U.S. Video Marketplace new releases.

U.S. XBVM Movie Releases: April 19th - April 25thBloodsucking Freaks
- 91 minutes, unrated
- SD: 240

($3), 1.0GB Dan in Real Life
- 98 minutes, PG-13
- SD: 320

($4), 1.2GB
- HD: 480

($6), 4.5GB Madigan's Millions
- 86 minutes, unrated
- SD: 240

($3), 995MB One Missed Call
- 86 minutes, PG-13
- SD: 320

($4), 975MB
- HD: 480

($6), 4.0GB Redneck Zombies
- 90 minutes, unrated
- SD: 240

($3), 1.7GB Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD
- 105 minutes, unrated
- SD: 240

($3), 1.2GB Sizzle Beach USA
- 89 minutes, unrated
- SD: 240

($3), 1.0GB Surf Nazis Must Die
- 82 minutes, unrated
- SD: 240

($3), 944MB Tooth and Nail
- 94 minutes, R
- SD: 320

($4), 1.1GB
- HD: 480

($6), 4.1GB Toxic Avenger Part II
- 102 minutes, unrated
- SD: 240

($3), 1.2GB Toxic Avenger Part III
- 102 minutes, unrated
- SD: 240

($3), 1.1GB Toxic Crusaders: The Movie
- 74 minutes, unrated
- SD: 240

($3), 862MB Van Wilder
- 93 minutes, unrated
- SD: 240

($3), 1.0GB
- HD: 360

($4.50), 4.1GB
Click here to browse last week's XBVM releases.