
Fable scraps: spooky new graveyard screenshot

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When it comes to Fable 2, we will gladly gobble up every single morsel of information that Lionhead sees fit to give us. The latest entry of the Fable 2 developer blog doesn't give us much, but something is always better than nothing, right? First, the sixth episode of the Lionhead video diary is now complete. It's currently holed up at Microsoft, waiting to be uploaded to the Xbox Live Marketplace. When the video will actually release is still up in the air, though the word "soon" is mentioned.

Second, we have the brand new screenshot seen above. It is (if you haven't guessed) an appropriately spooky graveyard. We can't be sure, but we'd bet that it is likely filled with ghosts, zombies, or perhaps both.

Finally, Lionhead's community manager, Sam, is having his wisdom teeth removed this week. Best of luck, Sam. Enjoy the nitrous.
