
Cinemassively: Rivers Run Red wins Webby Award for Coca-Cola machinima

In August 2007, Rivers Run Red released a gorgeous machinima of an event held in Second Life. Coca-Cola premiered "Happiness Factory -- The Movie", and a virtual Avril Lavigne attended. We must say that she's never looked better than in this video!

Now RRR is possibly making machinima history by winning a 2008 Webby Award for Branded Content for their coverage of the Coca-Cola event. With this medium growing in popularity by leaps and bounds, we hope that more mainstream awards are won. Machinimators work too hard to not get recognition for their efforts!

[Thanks, Justin!]

If you have machinima or movie suggestions from any MMO, please send them to machinima AT massively DOT com, along with any information you might have about them.