
DS Daily: Let's talk Sonic Chronicles

We've had Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood on the brain recently. It's an important title for us, because it can prove that Sonic is a worthwhile gaming character again, much like his golden days. But, that's not to say there aren't a few things that scare us about this game.

For one, Sonic is entirely out of his element here. He'll be in his first RPG, but we totally trust Bioware when it comes to the role-playing games. Also, there's Bioware's promise that we'll do the impossible, which has us incredibly worried. That's not to say there aren't things about the game we're incredibly excited about, like the targeting rings shown in the latest video for the game.

We're kind of stuck at a crossroads, as we're very hopeful this will be a great game, yet fearful of Sonic's latest endeavors in games. How about you all? Are you as worried as we are, or are you certain this is going to be a great game?