
Sony UX handheld gets outfitted with makeshift gamepad

We've seen gamepads hacked for use with handhelds before, but they haven't always exactly been the most elegant solutions. That's happily not the case with this latest mod by Micro PC Talk forum member Dan Middle, however, who outfitted his Sony VAIO UX handheld with a discreet but usable gamepad attachment. The "hack" was made slightly easier by the use of a Genius USB mini gamepad, which was foldable to begin with, although Dan apparently did still have to hack it up a bit and attach it to a dummy CompactFlash card, which conveniently slots in right next to the USB port. As you can see in the video after the break, the setup appears to work quite well and, best of all, doesn't require any modifications to the pricey UX itself.

[Via Slash Gear]