
SCEE expects LittleBigPlanet to be biggest PS3 game ever

Currently, the top-selling PS3 game in Europe is Gran Turismo 5: Prologue. With over a million pre-orders for the game, it became a clear system-seller in that territory. However, Sony Europe is expecting 2D community platformer LittleBigPlanet to surpass even GT5's impressive sales. "We're hoping sales will be higher than GT5 Prologue," David Reeves told

Analysts have called LittleBigPlanet a potential system-seller for the PS3. Its accessible gameplay and emphasis on creation and sharing will undoubtedly draw in a new audience to the PS3. However, will the casual gamer really jump to a system that's still considered prohibitively expensive (especially in comparison to the Wii)?

Kaz Hirai noted that "[LittleBigPlanet] will completely revolutionize the way gamers interact with their games, especially through the community functions and the ability to interact with LittleBigPlanet lovers around the globe," during the PlayStation Day keynote.