
New Guild Wars Zaishen rewards announced

Now that the April 2008 Zaishen Tournament is over, commemorating the third anniversary of ArenaNet's Guild Wars, we look forward to a completely revamped tournament system with new rewards, in-game prizes, items and a shiny new Zaishen title track.

The way this new system works, whenever you use a Zaishen Key on a Zaishen Chest, you get 5 Zaishen Reputation Points which accumulate towards this new title track. Each rank of this title track, from 1 to 12, has its own unique name. In addition, you'll receive infinite-use Transmogrifier Tonics that will change for each month of the tournament, and special rank emotes which will be progressively more impressive the higher they get from rank 1 to rank 7. Be sure to check out the Guild Wars website for complete information on these rewards and a video of the rank 7 emote in action!