
Cooking Navi finds a home in Europe on June 20th?

All of you hopeful chefs living in Europe, it looks like we may finally have a date for when Cooking Navi is to release in your region. According to a German gaming site, Nintendo-Online, the title is due to hit on June 20th. Some other poking around the net shows that GAME also has a listing for that day.

We'd like to check more on this, but, in all honesty, there's just not much retail competition for GAME. So we can't exactly go looking up other listings for the game. Even Nintendo of Europe's site has nothing on the title, so we're really up the creek without a paddle here. For the time being, we're considering this a rumor, but just wanted to let you all know that you should be taking this "news item" with a grain of salt.

[Thanks, isaac3k!]