
Mythos Overworld delayed; more beta news leaks out

Flagship Studios sends their regrets, but the mega-update to Mythos that would turn their heavily instanced over world into one seamless land spattered, Oblivion-like, with dungeons has been delayed. Due yesterday, it now looks as if Mythos beta testers will have to wait until next week to run naked and free ... through Mythos' world of Uld, at any rate.

To tide us over while we wait, player Kirent has compiled a list of all the interesting snippets of developer responses to questions about the delay. Characters won't be wiped when the Overworld goes live, but they likely will be wiped when the test server is folded into the live beta server, after which open beta will likely begin. Zones 2 and 3 (mid and high level areas) won't be enabled initially, but we knew that. The pressures of pushing the Overworld out the door means that new monsters, dungeons, and quests won't be in in any significant way. Most of the crafting changes will be on the test server, but the balancing of the heraldries (temporary buffs applied to crafted items) will not be. Special armor sets, a new class (!!!) , retirement (here you voluntarily retire a high level character to start a new character with some sort of advantage) and any sort of endgame are all taking a back seat to the Overworld. However, it sounds like Epic weapons will be in.

Mythos is currently slated to release late this year. It will be free to play, but with an item store where you can buy items for real money, though you will be able to see and do everything in the game without paying a cent. Bored with waiting for the update? Kanthalos at MMOre Insight has been writing a series of articles about the best character builds for maximum wtfpwnage -- check it out!