
Watch Sunny from Metal Gear Solid 4 all day as you play

This is sort of a weird thing that was stumbled upon we haven't really mentioned yet. If you expect Kojima and the Metal Gear universe to be 100% straight-faced, serious, or somber, you're crazy. There are always some silly things in there -- like the Sunny Camera. At the bottom of the menu screen, there is what appears to be a live webcam that keeps track of what Sunny is doing in her room 24 hours a day. We'd explain who Sunny is, but if you didn't play the second Metal Gear Solid, it could be quite a spoiler.

A number of companies have collaborated with Kojima Productions, including Japanese energy drink companies, Apple's iPod makes an appearance, and more. What's funny is that if you choose a background track with Snake's iPod, Sunny will start dancing to the tune on the menu screen if the game is paused. Awesome. If you want to read more about some hands-on, go for it. We just thought the Sunny Camera was hilarious and the collaboration with real companies to feature their products rather strange.