
Stargate Worlds reaches 100,000 signups for closed beta

There are plenty of people standing in a secret government lab eagerly awaiting the chance to waltz through a stargate. In fact, around 100,000 eager explorers have signed up for the Stargate Worlds' closed beta. 100,000 players is an improvement on the number reported earlier this month and registrations continue to climb. The closed beta registration has only been open for about half of a month, so the developers at Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment are pretty happy. So happy, in fact, that they actually shouted out with joy in their press release.

Overall, the news is exciting since the Sci-Fi genre is well on the way to getting a nice, shiny, new game. The beloved series is coming to a computer screen near you and there is still time to get in on the action. Stargate Worlds is accepting closed beta applications and the sooner folks sign up, the better. Make sure you bring plenty of ammo and clean socks for the trip into this unexplored world!