
PS3 Poll Police: Another mandatory install -- do you care now?

This week we learned that Haze will demand you to free up 4GB of space on your PS3's hard drive so it can eliminate load times from the game completely. The internet set itself on fire when Capcom revealed Devil May Cry 4 would come with a PS3 install as part of the deal, but there's been little hubbub over this game. Is it due to its PS3 exclusivity? Either way, we want to gauge how you feel about these constant installs and if it's impacted your hard drive space at all.

Haze brings another mandatory install -- do you care now?

I think all installs should be optional!

Sometimes it really does benefit my gaming experience.

I don't mind them, really.

People should just upgrade their hard drives.

I make sandwiches during my installs.

What, install? Like, grathnode crystals?

My opinion is different than those listed! free polls

We just slapped a 350GB hard drive into our PS3's at the Poll Police Headquarters, so we're not hurting for space. Our wallets, on the other hand, are a bit frazzled. Still, those who purchased a 20GB machine will either be forced to make a similar purchase, or selectively delete and re-install older games. If you want to see last week's poll results, they're right after the cut.

It was a mistake, everyone. An honest mistake on the part of GameTrailers staff that some footage of a racing game got mixed up. Even if it wasn't, they were caught and apologized for it. We think it really was just an editorial snafu because, all things considered, we like GameTrailers. They put out good videos quickly for the most part. So, while the majority of you think this was a malicious act against the PS3, we think it was just a mistake. Also, like 715 of you, we also think comparison videos are stupid. Thanks for voting!