
One Shots: Now that's a bunch of ugly!

Of all the nasties we've seen in games, this particular beastie wins for "face we'd hope to never run into in a dark alley." There's something about this much ugly on one set of legs that just makes you want to run -- or stick pointy things into it. Today's One Shots comes to us courtesy of Wookers, who is taking a break from Lord of the Rings Online to wander the world of Vanguard. Wookers writes: While checking out the auction house in Tanvu, this lovely guy decided to block my screen... figured he wanted a picture, so I took it!

Have you run across anything more ugly than the beastie above? If so, we want to see some screenshots! Just snap a picture and fire it off to us at oneshots AT along with some information about where your ugly came from and the like. Then we can all sit back and watch the ugly parade.