
Age of Conan launches 9 new servers to meet growing demand

A surprising 700,000 Age of Conan boxes were shipped in time for launch. Even with the collector's edition sold out at many stores across the country various skeptics including some here at Massively weren't assured that AoC was going to be a breakout hit unless new servers opened to prove the playerbase was growing and now they have! Funcom is accommodating the growing demand by launching the following servers:

PvE: Mannanan, Ajuju, Badisattva, Damballah, Hanuman
PvP-RP: Hyperborea
PvP: Bluesteel, Shadowblade, Scourge

This is fantastic news and offers clear-cut proof that AoC is selling like hotcakes and players are eating it up. It will be very interesting to watch whether or not AoC takes a big number of players away from World of Warcraft or if the growth tapers off after the first few months. Staunch WoW players can find a few compelling reasons to give Age of Conan a chance before WotlK is released, and why you might end up liking it.

[via, Kill Ten Rats]