
WoW: Fanfiction writers needed for The Gadgetzan Times

This breaking news could impact every World of Warcraft lore aficionado and record keeper. The goblin writers at the Gadgetzan Times went on strike today over their contractual residuals in the flourishing new media market. "Oh noez," we also find this unacceptable. To help fill the blank pages the editor-in-chief wants to bring new promising writers on board and is now accepting submissions from all adventures across Azeroth and Outland.

If you often put down your weapons to pick up a pen and write about your own WoW fanfiction check out the submission guidelines. Who knows, maybe thousands of onlookers might read one of your stories in the near future. The Gadgetzan Times is published in different languages and each rag features a unique story.

[via, WoW Insider]