
One Shots: Galloping into Jalen's Crossing

We've been really glad to see a few screens coming in from Vanguard lately. With such a rough launch we wondered if this pretty MMO would be given a chance to shine here. Wookers, one of our regular One Shots contributors has been vacationing from Middle-earth in the lands of Vanguard and has sent back some screenshots. He writes: Thought this was just a beautiful view of Jalen's Crossing as I was riding in with my character, Wookori, to pick up more quests. It is indeed a lovely sky and the way the light shines from behind the building ahead looks pretty cool.

Have you taken a nifty screenshot from your travels in a world we haven't often been able to feature here? All MMOGs are welcome, from the small to the large, from old to new! Just pop them into the mail to us here at oneshots AT along with a quick description. Yours could be one of the upcoming screens featured here!