
C&C3: Kane's Wrath - Command Stick Trailer

As real-time strategy games have their moment in the sun on the Xbox 360, the question of control always lingers. Can a controller simulate a mouse and keyboard properly to play an RTS?

The answer is no. It can't. That's why developers are rethinking the way RTS games handle on consoles and so far they've been pretty successful. Now the question is based on speed. Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath introduces a new scheme to the mix hoping to correct that problem with the new Command Stick. Promising to reduce the amount of clicking required to complete simple tasks like building your base and training new units, the Command Stick is expected to speed up the overall experience of the console RTS.

The video is embedded in low quality above, but for those purists who need to see it in HD jump over to Big Download and download the full trailer in its high-resolution hotness.