
Infinite Line website officially translated

Sega Europe's official Platinum Games sites are up, including one for the DS RPG Infinite Line. It's a faithful translation of the Japanese Infinite Line site, with the same three Japanese screenshots. But this time, you can read the text on the website.

The newly-legible text doesn't exactly contain gameplay details, but it confirms what we've puzzled out so far. You upgrade your ship with "a combination of module-like parts," which sounds like an accurate description of the Tetris -style parts we've seen. You won't be limited to customizing a single ship. According to the site, you can choose to work on the same ship, or you can acquire multiple ships.

The bombastic copy concludes with "A magnificent story that more than lives up to the word 'voyage'. A world that cannot be constrained by the word 'RPG'." As if Clover fans didn't have high enough expectations.