
Jeff Hickman interview filled with Warhammer Online goodness

Our sister site Big Download put up an interview today with EA Mythic's senior producer Jeff Hickman and it's all about Warhammer Online. Mostly there's a lot of RvR (Realm vs Realm, Mythic's special brand of world PvP) talk but that's somewhat difficult to avoid when discussing a game that's so very intertwined with the feature. Overall though it's a worthwhile read for anyone interested in the upcoming realm-pride focused production.

A lot of the RvR discussion takes place towards the end of the interview and actually contains some new pieces of information that we find most tantalizing. Included among said information are Jeff's thoughts on the topic of VoIP and socialization elements in RvR. So if you salivate for any new nuggets of information about Warhammer Online or its various features you should definitely check it out.