
Fallout 3 using HDD smartly -- no upfront install

Bethesda sat down with our big brother site, Joystiq, and spoke a little bit about Fallout 3. As many people know, it's pretty much customary for developers to slap a giant mandatory install onto our PS3 titles. It's mildly annoying if you don't have a big hard drive. Bethesda echoes these sentiments and as such, have declared that the PS3 version of Fallout 3 will not have any upfront install whatsoever.

Pete Hines, marketing man for Bethesda, confirmed this and then went on to say "that doesn't mean we don't use the hard drive, just that it does it in the background as opposed to a large, upfront install." The game will require an estimated 4-5 GBs of space, similar to Oblivion, though. So even without a large install, you'll have to make sure you've got adequate free space to let the game work its magic.

[via Joystiq]