
First Wario Land details Shake things up

Given Sega's apparent inability to commit to a fully 2D platformer on the Wii, we might have to rely on Nintendo to deliver the goods. Which is to say: a Wario Land Shake fact sheet has found its way on to the 'net, and appears to suggest that the game, revealed only yesterday, will be a brand new, exclusively 2D platform title on a home console -- in 2008. Sweet!

Obviously, while we're not quite jumping from armchair to sofa in excitement just yet, Japanese blogger Sinobi also describes Shake as a "2D action" game, while NeoGAF users Anihawk and Teknoman translated some of the small print, and discovered that it promised cel-shaded characters, hand-drawn animation and backgrounds, and that the game was, in their words, "most likely 2D."

According to the NeoGAFfers, there will also be 20 stages (taking in jungle, ruins, desert, and ocean locations), vehicles such as rockets and submarines, but no multiplayer. As for the Shake in the title, that refers to a whole range of actions that can be performed with the Wiimote -- by shaking your controller, you'll be able to uncover hidden locations, shake enemies (who then dispense coins), and much more.

Make the jump for the full, larger version of the fact sheet.

Click to enlarge.