
One Shots: Hanging with L70ETC

We admit it; for all that many of the team have spent time in World of Warcraft, most of us hadn't noticed that when not on tour, apparently Silvermoon City is the place to be if you want to spot L70ETC! Complete with a small gaggle of fans under their balcony, you can find them by going into the city and turning an immediate right. Considering all of the people below them have dialogue, and the guards in Silvermoon will interact with certain emotes, we suspect L70ETC may well interact if you target them and /wave or /cheer. If you pop by and say hi, leave us a comment on this One Shots and let us know if they reacted!

Have you stumbled across something you never noticed before in an MMO you play? Perhaps something tucked away overhead, or in an odd corner you normally don't visit? Whatever the case, we love to hear about things like this. Just pop those screenshots into an email to oneshots AT along with a quick note on what you found.