
Free Bronx Bunny and Standup XBVM downloads

Microsoft and premium cable channel Starz have partnered up and are giving away two free television episodes downloads as well as running a sweepstakes where entrants can win a new Xbox 360, some games or a DVD box set.

United States residents, you can haz a free episode of both "the ultra-offensive" The Bronx Bunny Show and Martin Lawrence Presents: First Amendment Standup by simply heading to and registering. Once registered, they'll email you redemption codes to use on the Xbox Live Marketplace to score your free television downloads. Also, while registering, be sure to check the box to enter their sweepstakes, because, well ... why not? And we'd like to say thank you to Starz. Thanks for giving us free downloads of television shows we normally wouldn't even consider watching. Zing!

[Via, Thanks HazyCloud]