
Too Human dev diary: new details, more goblin man

The latest Too Human developer diary has been released (according to DCEMU, it should be on Xbox Live sometime today). This episode focuses on the game's two player co-op mode. Of particular note are the loot sharing options and skill manipulation. Co-op play offers three different options for divvying up the loot found during play. Loot can be distributed randomly, free-for-all and round robin. The first two are self-explanatory (with free-for-all being the best options for the ultra competitive), but round robin is a little different. Round robin alternately gives each item to a different player. In other words, player one gets the first item, player two gets the next item, player one gets the next, etc.

The second revelation in the video is that players will be able to reorganize their entire skill tree at any time. It costs a certain amount of in-game currency, but it also means that you won't have to create a new character if you're unhappy with the skills you've chosen. Not only that, but it will allow players to customize their character based on a given situation (like choosing new skills that compliment your co-op partner, for examply).

Finally, the video continues The Goblin Man of Norway, the fake documentary that began in the previous developer diary. We are again reminded of Halo 3's Believe ad campaign, which is by no means a bad thing. Check out the (very long) video after the break.